make someone's day

5 Ways to Make Someone's Day

Making someone's day is a great way to give to others and feel fulfilled, right?  For me, giving and fulfillment has become a core component of how I view overall health and wellness, and making someone's day is one my daily goals and tasks.  Here are 5 ways I do that every day in five-minutes-or-less:

  1. Tell someone you see frequently that you notice and appreciate something they do well
  2. Send a nice text or voice note to a friend or family member you haven't talked with in a while 
  3. Compliment someone on their positive energy, attitude or smile!
  4. Write and mail a thoughtful handwritten letter to someone you care about
  5. Do something - an act of service - for someone you see struggling

Let me know if you've tried any of these and if you have any ideas that you've tried and found make people's days :)

In the spirit of giving, 
